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Follies performers at a SLO event

Dancing For a Cause

Central Coast Follies, Inc.


Dancing • Singing • Performing


To Cure Parkinson's Disease
& Other Philanthropic Causes

Both Locally & Nationally




"Dancing for a Cause" 

Since its inception in 2003, the Central Coast Follies has raised almost $400,000.00 to benefit Parkinson's Disease research and other worthy causes, with their annual professionally choreographed, family-friendly performances, and the more exotic pop-up shows with Blue Dove Productions!  This group of dedicated dancers, singers, and performers volunteers their time and talents to produce originally themed Central Coast Follies shows and invites you to be delightfully entertained.  This intrepid troupe continues to entertain, support, and contribute to its community while maintaining consistent support to those with Parkinson's Disease, neurological disorders, and various other devastating illnesses. 


Central Coast Follies Membership dues help pay for the monthly charges of dance studio rental and other overhead costs to keep the Follies a viable entity.  


On a local basis, the Central Coast Follies have worked to raise funds and helped events from various local charities such as the SLO Food Bank and the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center.

"You make a living by what you get.  You make a life by what you give." 

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